Medicine Leadership

Online programs and community for people on the medicine path, led by Zev Aaron and George Bertelstein

What is Medicine Leadership?

Medicine Leadership is understanding that there is no end to your healing journey. You are constantly humbled by life and medicine which leads to unimaginable growth and happiness.

In all of our Medicine Leadership offerings, we will dive deep into the prayer of your life, your greatest happiness, and deepest success. Together we will go on a journey of great transformation that will be the most fun you have ever had healing!

Medicine Leadership Facilitator Program

A Clear and Simple Prayer Certification Program for Medicine Leaders, Counselors, Coaches, and Healers. 12-Month Program begins October 12th!

Men’s Medicine Mastermind

This is a 6-Month Mastermind for Men who have a prayer to be of service through their unique gifts in this lifetime. Led by George Bertelstein & Zev Aaron (one spot remaining).

Partnership As Path

Two of our elder medicine teachers, George and Georgia Bertelstein, host an intimate group of couples for a 6 month journey of love, healing, intimacy and medicine (waitlist open).

Meet your hosts, Zev & George:

  • Zev is a coach specializing in supporting men and families on the medicine path. He has been serving men and families for 20 years, working to bring more love, peace, healing and emotional intelligence to men and their families. Zev is a member of the Medicine Path Native American Church and a co-leader of Medicine Leadership online programs alongside George Bertelstein. He also served as a Yale University Emotional intelligence coach prior to starting his own practice. He lives in Mill Valley with his amazing wife and two children.

  • Spiritual Leader at Medicine Path Native American Church

    “This is what I've learned from 30 years of Ceremony...Never be surprised. Never be disappointed. Make a better prayer for your life. Ask for help! Help me to be present in the best way possible in the midst of the vast sea of what I don't know anything about. Take courage (It's everywhere!) Move forward. You will notice that your actions and behaviors will be powerful and peaceful and helpful.”